Interesting people, must-see routes, and some tech thrown in from time to time.

A Little Time to Reflect
Looking back on ALLIED reviews from 2023. INTRODUCTION During the infancy of 2024 – before we settle down into ramping up for the coming race calendar – we’re taking a moment to catch our breath and stretch our legs by reviewing some of our reviews from the latter part of...
01 January, 2024

Rides Made Here: Little Sugar + Big Sugar
REFLECTING ON BENTONVILLE'S LIFE TIME GRAND PRIX RACES. OZ, off-road I love racing in Bentonville. The punchy climbs and rocky surfaces of both courses suit me, and starting and finishing in bike-crazed Bentonville is the best. For the gravel in Oz specifically, I really like how narrow and twisty it...
26 October, 2023

Race Review: Gravel goes National
PAYSON MCELVEEN ON THE INAUGURAL GRAVEL NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. A course worth the effort Gravel’s first-ever US national championship was unique in two ways. First, it was, well, the first. Second, it “provided some very unique challenges,” according to ALLIED factory team athlete Payson McElveen. “It was unlike any gravel race...
20 September, 2023

Life Outside the Tape
LEA DAVISON ON RETIREMENT, COACHING, AND FINALLY SAYING YES TO MARGARITAS. She’s top-10’d the Olympics. She’s podiumed at Worlds. She’s now a US national team coach. Hell, she’s even got a TED Talk. Mountain-bike maven Lea Davison’s career doesn’t leave many boxes unchecked, but it was still something of a...
31 August, 2023

Rides Made Here: Bentonville, AR
THE MANY FACES OF DROP BAR CYCLING IN OUR HOMETOWN We say ALLIED bikes are Made Here. But what does that mean, really? Obviously, it means that we lay-up, cure, and finish our bikes here, literally, in the ALLIED Technology Center in Bentonville. But each ALLIED model is also Made...
25 May, 2023

The World’s Best Gravel is Made Here
OVER THE HILLS AND THROUGH THE HOLLERS OZ Gravel is saying what we already know: the world’s best gravel is Made Here. There’s no better way to experience the unique character of a landscape than to ride a bike through it. And if you’ve got the right bike, there’s no...
18 May, 2023

The Echo and our relentless pursuit of manufacturing excellence
Blending our experience of what makes a beautiful riding bike with modern design and development tools and the ability to make it ourselves, we can bring together the art and science to deliver what we believe are the best bikes in the world. The best bikes use a blend of...
22 February, 2023